Friday, May 3, 2013

WR Stances - The Two-point Stance

If you're using an upright two-point stance, you can start with your feet even and about the width of your hips. From this position, you will want to do the following:

1. Step back with your inside foot so that it is three to four inches behind your front foot
2. Adjust your weight to be on your front foot
3. Only keep the toe of your back foot on the ground in order to keep your balance
4. Bend slightly forward at the waist as you step back
5. Allow your head and shoulders to move in front of your feet and hips
6. Either allow your hands and arms to hand down naturally OR raise your elbows and forearms, getting into more of a running stance
7. Turn your head slightly to the inside so that you can see the ball being snapped
8. Begin your forward movement by quickly stepping forward with the back foot

Always make sure that as you lean forward you aren't going offside.

No matter what stance your coach asks you to use, remember that if you practice getting into your stance away from the field, it will always feel more natural and comfortable when you're in full pads ON the field.

Starting with a good stance can really help your performance on any given play. Make sure you practice getting into a proper, functional, and comfortable stance - one which allows you to release quickly and compete to the best of your ability.

Speaking of a good release, we'll be getting into just that in our next Tip of the Day!

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