Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Special Teams - Punter - Setting Up the Drop

Now that you've learned to properly secure and hold the ball, you're ready to proceed with the hand, arm, and drop action of the kick. When first learning these techniques it is best if you do not actually kick the ball. Without the actual kick you will be able to go through these movements a number of times in rapid succession.

Begin the drill with the ball held properly in both hands. You will not be stepping with your feet during this drill. The actual kicking movement starts with the removal of your hand away from your kicking foot.

This hand and arm should be allowed to swing back to the outside at waist height and serve as a balance for your kick. As the hand swings back:

1. Your hips should turn slightly to the inside in the direction of your arm swing
2. Your opposite shoulder should rotate slightly forward
3. Your ball hand and arm should be easily extended in front of your body

As the ball is extended in your drop hand, the hand on the side of your kicking foot, the following should be true:

1. The point of the ball should be rotated slightly to the inside and aimed in the same direction as your hips
2. The wrist of your drop hand should be locked
3. The ball should be level and pointing neither up nor down
4. The drop hand should be just above waist-height

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