Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tight End: The "look-in" and "short out" patterns

Once you've learned your stance, start, and release, you're ready to start getting into running pass routes. Today, we're going to get into a couple so-called "short" routes - the "look-in" and the "short out" patterns.

When running these patterns, you won't have time to try to move the defender into the location you'd like to make your final cut. The QB will take a short 3-step drop before delivering the ball. The O-Line will only be aggressively blocking for a short time. Every pass in this area of the field must be executed quickly to achieve success.

As you release upfield on a short route, know the distance you'll be running before you make your break. For a "short out" where you cut to the outside at five yards beyond the line of scrimmage, you'll roll over your foot in that direction - toward the sideline. Do not plant and step as you'll lose momentum.

When coming inside for the "look-in" pass, you should once again make certain you know the distance you need to travel before redirecting your body to the inside. In this case it's only a step or two beyond the line before you angle in.

In both patterns:

1. Burst into your final move
2. Bring your head around quickly
3. Establish good vision of the quarterback
4. Be ready to catch the ball
5. Secure the ball immediately

The ball will reach you VERY fast and you will likely be struck by a defender as soon as you make contact with the ball. MAKE SURE THE BALL IS SECURE!

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