Monday, May 18, 2015



Needed for the maintenance and repair of muscle tissue

Athletes have higher needs for protein than their sedentary counterparts

NOT the body’s preferred source of fuel but will be called upon in times of “starvation”

More is not necessarily better.
  • The body can only utilize a certain amount. Whatever is left over will be stored as fat


Before exercise
  • It is a good idea to set your body up for a workout and consume some protein before you get started.
  • More protein may be required before strength training workouts than before cardiovascular or endurance workouts.
  • 5-15 grams of protein is ideal before a workout. However, this depends on the intensity and duration of the workout, and the size of the athlete.
After Exercise
  • It is absolutely essential to consume protein after a workout. Whether it is a long run, hard lift or intense practice, your body has broken down some lean mass and it needs to be replenished.
  • You should aim for 10-20 grams of protein post-workout. This also depends on the intensity and duration of the workout and the size of the athlete.
  • Make sure you consume carbohydrates with your protein source after exercise. One without the other is not as effective and will not help you recover completely.

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