Before you get into your kicking motion, it's important you learn how to properly align yourself to the ball's placement spot. Place a kicking tee, cup, or a piece of tape on the ground. In your mind, make this the spot where the ball will be placed for your kick.
Once your spot is established, it becomes a case of stepping up and getting in proper position to make the kick. To do so, you need to:
1. Place your plant foot so that the instep of the foot is next to the placement spot
2. Place your kicking foot directly behind the placement spot
3. Beginning with your kicking foot, take three normal steps straight backward from the placement spot
4. Take two steps sideways with your plant foot at a right angle
5. Turn and face the placement spot and get into your proper stance
As you're starting out, you may find that you're not stepping straight back from the placement spot. One easy way to correct this error is to put the placement spot on a marked sideline on the field and concentrate on stepping back straight down the line.
As you approach the ball for your kick, remember that your plant foot should come down even with and six inches outside the placement spot with the toe pointed the same direction as the kicking spot. This is easier to practice if you're working on the sideline.
The power for your kick should start with your hips moving forward and your kicking leg coming forward in a full arch. It's important that the knee of the kicking leg precedes the foot toward the placement spot. The knee of the kicking leg should be bent slightly.
The position of the kicking foot is vitally important. You should have your toe pointed down and your ankle locked and stable. The toe of your kicking foot will pass just outside the placement spot. The center of the inside of the kicking foot should pass directly over the center of the placement spot. The top inside of the center of the kicking foot is the actual part of the foot we want to make contact with the ball.
As a kicker, you'll come to learn that your follow-through will be an excellent indication of how the kick will turn out. When your kicking foot moves over the placement spot, it's important that your entire body move straight at the target.
Remember - as your kicking foot moves over the placement spot:
1. Your body should be balanced
2. Your head must be down
3. Your eyes must stay focused on the placement spot
4. Your hips need to lead the way to the target
5. Your shoulders should precede your feet throughout the kicking motion